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about me

Career & Hobbies, Life Story, Sources of Happiness or Worry, and Anything Else About Myself

I was born in Shihua, a small town in central China. I spent 18 years of my childhood in this quaint town. Then, I moved to Guangzhou and spent 3 years in that charming city pursuing my bachelor’s degree as a first-generation college student. Being the first in my family to attend college, I understand the challenges of accessing quality education resources efficiently. For instance, it took me about 6 years to learn how to spell the 26 English letters when I was in primary school. In my senior year, I relocated to Beijing to embark on my career path as a software engineer intern. Since then, I have firmly decided that software engineering is my lifelong passion, and I take pride in this profession.

I have never maintained a friendship or intimate relationship for more than 2 years. Hence, I am always eager to meet interesting people.

In my leisure time, I relish watching movies (such as “Parasite”) and TV series (like “Friends”), hanging out with friends, and meeting new, amusing individuals! I also find joy in reading books (such as “The Economics of Common Goods”) and listening to podcasts about science and economics (for instance, research papers exploring the relationship between education and income). I enjoy engaging in discussions on controversial topics, such as the effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine or the syntax preferences in C++ (int* p or int *p).

Ideas & Values, What I Believe (Politically, Socially, Economically), Including Opinions That Most People Might Disagree With Me On

I feel a sense of excitement when I realize that certain principles have played a role in my past experiences, connecting various dots in my life. For example, I vividly recall reading an article about a team-building event where a participant excelled in intellectual games due to extensive and efficient training. This reinforced my belief in the power of systematic training.

I hold the belief that everyone possesses the same level of intelligence at birth, and through sustained scientific training, one can achieve success in any endeavor.

I identify as agnostic (formerly atheist) and place my trust in science. Additionally, I harbor an interest in the origins of Catholicism.

I have unwavering faith in myself and harbor no regrets about any decisions I have made in the past.

I believe that democracy and despotism represent trade-offs, and I lean towards democracy.

I staunchly reject recommendation algorithms since they tend to reinforce existing beliefs and biases, limiting one’s exposure to new ideas and perspectives.

I also resonate with anarchism to some extent.

Feel free to reach out if you share similar values or if you’d like to share yours with me.

I envision a world filled with peace, love, and efficiency.